Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Blob

I went for a run this morning. It was a nice run, except for the feeling that I was wearing a fat suit. I have been working on my MBA these past two years and I am finally in the home stretch. Lots of hard work and extra hours are about to come to an end (9 ½ weeks left, but who is counting). The downside of all of this hard mental work is that my physical work has gone by the wayside. I seem to be in that perpetual state of just trying to get started. One week I will get in two runs and a bike ride and start to feel better, only to be followed by a week of no exercise at all and a return to sloth. Getting started back to working out is always the hardest part and I feel like I have been just getting started for the last 19 months….

The weather has been amazing here in Colorado the last week. Highs in the 60’s and 70’s. This is made all the better by the fact that the eastern seaboard is mired in a snow storm with lots of white wetness on the ground. Oh, I am sure we will get another big snow this year, but for now I have to gloat a little.