Thursday, October 18, 2007

It is Fall!

Well, we are waking up to crisp mornings here in Colorado. The leaves are changing and the days are getting shorter. Gone are the days or riding the bike until 9pm. Now, if the ride is not done by 6:15pm you are pushing your luck.

I have been trying to get the tandem back on the road. It needs new tires and I just have not ponied up the money for a new set of Armadillos. The old ones lasted for a very long time but now the tread is starting to split from the casing (not sure if I said that right). Oh well, these things happen.

The latest thing out here is this whole "Dam the Poudre" controversy. Long story short is that about 14 communities along the Front Range want more water. Their answer is to put 2 big reservoirs on our local river, The Cache La Poudre, prounounced like Pooh-der. Local opposition is really mounting and being led by two really good guys, Gary Wockner and Mark Easter. If you get a chance, throw your support behind these guys and there effort. Not too many good things have come out of water projects this size (I hate to make generalizations like this, so if you want to argue with me, come to Fort Collins and buy the first 3 pitchers of beer and we can talk about it). The only good thing to come out of dams is usually tailwater fisheries. My guess is that if they build these dams, so Adios to the Poudre.

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