Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bikes and Birdhouses

My dad was big into birds and birdwatching. It seems he was always standing at the kitchen window watching the birds at the feeders just at the edge of the woods. I enjoyed seeing them too, but I appreciate the concept more now that I am older.

We recently hung a bird feeder just outside our kitchen window. For the first 5 days, not a single bird, I mean not one. In fact, the running joke had become, "Hey look honey, no birds at the feeder." Then one morning I was having my coffee and I saw a low flying bird by the back window. I thought could she be going to my feeder. Sure enough I glanced out and there she was...our very first customer. And just like that the flood gates opened. After the first bird, a black-capped chickadee we had another 5 to 10 birds in 20 minutes. It was pretty amazing.

I think that is what makes birdwatching so much fun, the complete lack of control. You hang up a feeder and whoever shows up, shows up. Sure, you can buy seed blends that favor certain species, but ultimately, the birds decide. We have no control. It's not like an aquarium where you get to choose the fish you want. No fish "just shows up" in an aquarium. Birds at the feeder are a whole different game. There are the typical birds one expects to see, the nuthatches, chickadees, wrens and finches, oh and the occassional flicker, but there is always the unexpected. Best have no control. Now that I think about, a bird feeder is a lot like life. You fill it up with education, friends, family, experiences and hang it out there and that is about where your control ends. After that, who knows....

Oh, I did build a birdhouse yesterday and I didn't get to bikes, but I have been riding.

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