I dare say the time is upon us. A call to my fellow gentleman and ladies, scallywags and misfits, it is time to organize, improvise, instigate and pontificate upon the merits and grand delusions of tweedom. What is this jibber jabber rubbish you ask. In the spirit of the original, or at least as original as I could find with a quick spin on the great wizard of Google, I announce tentatively concrete plans for the Fort Collins Tweed Run. (***I am relatively new to this blogging thing and I do not know all of the etiquette rules to using photos from other sites, so if I am breaking them I am sorry. I used the photo from
http://bikehugger.com/. I hope that suffices).
But wait dear sir, what is a tweed run?
Look here, or maybe
here, and just to be safe lets include a
this one. Sounds smashing indeed, so when can I begin to air my tweeds to eliminate that mothball smell. Well, I say we shoot for spring 2011. Enticing details, but not too detailed, details to follow. The gist is this. Meet in Old Town, drink some tea, coffee, scotch, or whiskey (American or Scottish, depending on if you are a purist and of which puritan persuasion you may be), water, or beer and begin a leisurely ride towards Laporte, then Bellevue. Maybe a venture into the brand new, so new they do not even have a website (or maybe they just do not want a website,
but here there are on the web none the less) Bellevue Bean Coffee shop for some more coffee, tea or other libation before heading in a decidedly circuitous route to our point of origin, at which point we will once again have liquid libations of one's personal choosing. May I humbly recommend something from this
fine establishment. Sweet Succotash!! Those folks can produce a mighty fine pint indeed.
Cheerio my good lads and lasses.