Friday, February 12, 2010

What would the tinkerer do?

I just can't get this Abbey and Trippel label issue out of my head. Not to beat a dead horse, but New Belgium is my favorite brewery, and Abbey and Trippel are a big reason for my affectionate affliction. I think I am going to have to come off of the sidelines on this one and start a grass roots campaign to bring back the labels. I woke up this morning thinking about this.

Now some of you are going to say this guy is a whack job. Who cares about the labels, its the beer that matters. I agree, it is the beer, but for me the beer represents so much more. Whether consciously or not, the image of the maker of a product goes into our purchasing decisions, and subsequently, the experience we have related to the particular product. This is a very well researched topic and we could spend hours discussing corporate image, goodwill, brand awareness, etc. The bottom line in all of this is that the change in labels represents a small change in my perception of New Belgium. I liked the original artwork. I started loving Abbey and Trippel with the monks and the sirens. The bottles represented a voyage to a land I had never reached. They were the embodiment of the trip I wanted to take. I was proud of the little brewery that used a neighbors art to grace their lovely brew.

This brings me to my campaign. You heard it here first. I love NBB. The new slogan for the campaign: "What would the tinkerer do?"

Who is the tinkerer? He is the guy in this video from NBB called "Anthem". (You have to click the "anthem" link because I am not tech savvy enough to embed the video). Which beer label would he go for? Check it out.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant site, I hadn't come across previously in my searches!
Carry on the great work!

Erik Hardy said...

Anonymous, thanks for the comment. I plan on cranking up the blog a bit so stay tuned!